
India Advisor

It is a pleasure to receive in our organisation  MR. VIJAY TIWARI as Advisor for India relationship and development

International Co-ordinator, IECSME Kamdhenu Chair
(Established as per the Guidelines of UGC, Ministry of Education, GoI and Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog, GoI)
President, Indo European Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises (IECSME)
Coordinator, Yoga University of Americas, Florida, USA
President, District Archery Association - Shri Ayodhya Ji, Uttar Pradesh
Director, Swami Kamlanand Giri International Institute of Panchayati Raj and Holistic Rural Development, 
Special Spiritual Zone - Shri Ayodhya Ji, Uttar Pradesh, India
Founder Director, Department of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development, TIU, West Bengal
Former National Coordinator, AICTE-IECSME SAGY Initiative, Ministry of HRD, GOI
Former National Coordinator, RBH, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, GOI


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