الشراء الجماعي · 21/07/2016

Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies

Marble sheets / Marmo in lastre - Rosso Lepanto

(ITA) Marmo a disegno brecciato piu o meno evidente formato da clasti prevalentemente rosso scuri. In minor misura sono rintracciabili clasti bicolori passanti dal rosso al verde o clasti verde scuro. Marmo di origine Turca.

(ENG) Marble with a more or less evident brecciated pattern formed mainly of dark red clasts. To a lesser extent occur two-toned clasts ( red-green) or dark green only clasts. This marble comes from Turkey.

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  • Material / Materiale Marble / Marmo
  • Color / Colore Dark red / Rosso scuro
  • Origin / Provenienza Turkey / Turchia

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